
Rhondda first encountered yoga while completing her BA in dance at York University, and continues to make both asana and movement part of her practice. Yoga led her to the Dharma and meditation, and together they are an essential foundation in her life today as a family...
Upcoming Workshops


Tuesday, Mar 18th

I Live Yoga

The Yoga Sanctuary (Danforth)@theyogasanctuary

95 Danforth Avemap & details

Hatha Flow Mar 18

8:50PM 75 mins

Every Tuesday

Rhondda Smiley

Rhondda Smiley@rhonddasmiley2 classes per week at The Yoga Sanctuary

Practice Level
All levels
Activity Level
8:50pm75 minsHatha FlowThe Yoga Sanctuary (Danforth)

Saturday, Mar 22nd

I Live Yoga

The Yoga Sanctuary (Danforth)@theyogasanctuary

95 Danforth Avemap & details

Hatha Flow Level I/II Mar 22

8:30AM 75 mins

Every Saturday

Rhondda Smiley

Rhondda Smiley@rhonddasmiley2 classes per week at The Yoga Sanctuary

Practice Level
All levels
Activity Level
Moderate to vigorous
  • Use unlimited membership
  • Use class pass
Hatha Yoga brings balance, strength, and a sense of well-being to the practitioner. Traditional hatha yoga is a holistic yogic path including: postures (asana), breathing (pranayama), and meditation.
While using both the poses and the pace of regular Hatha classes, these classes sequence those poses differently and aim to keep the body moving with breath.

LEVEL I/II: For advanced beginners who have started to move beyond Level I classes.
8:30am75 minsHatha Flow Level I/IIThe Yoga Sanctuary (Danforth)