Breath & movement are linked through a series of sun salutations and asanas in this energizing and vigorous class. This moving meditation will strengthen your body, ease your mind, & connect you with your internal rhythm. Building on Level 1- Students entering this class should have an understanding of Surya Namaskar (sun salutations). Beginners can always book an intro private or semi-private (partner) session to learn the basic yoga principles, foundations and language more detailed one on one as well.
Yin Yang Yoga is suitable for everyone, from beginners to more advanced students. Some of the benefits to this practice include improved flexibility, fascial release and greater joint mobility. Link breath with movement while building muscle endurance, core strength and stability in the first half of class and then slow down to unwind connective tissue, increase flexibility and restore flow to the energy system during the second half of this complementary blend of active (yang) and passive (yin) asana practice. In addition to the physical benefits it is also a mindfulness practice, which promotes stillness in our mind and reduce stress and anxiety. At the end of each class you will leave feeling strengthened, stretched, rejuvenated and rested, both in your body and your mind.
7:30pm60 mins
Stretch & Strengthen Yoga Flow (Yin Yang | All Levels)