For Busy Instructors and Studios

Manage Your Schedule and Promote Yourself for Free

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Public Classes Workshops Retreats Teacher Trainings

"I Live Yoga is like having a personal assistant."

- YuMee Chung, Yoga Instructor for 10+ Years

Introducing the Schedule Widget

The Only Schedule Widget for Both Instructors and Studios
The schedule widget is and will always be free to use.
Choose & Customize from Dozens of Looks
Your Website

Unlike updating your website manually or using other widgets, I Live Yoga takes care of it all while giving you highly-targeted and free promotion for your public classes, workshops, retreats, and teacher trainings.


"I'm not very tech savvy but it's been really easy to update my website's schedule using I Live Yoga."

- Lana Sugarman, Yoga Instructor for 5 Years
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